women's ministry

Unleash your inner artist as you combine various mediums to create unique and expressive pages in your journal.  Delve into Scripture to uncover the multifaceted nature of our Creator.  Through hands-on projects and guided exploration, you'll develop a deeper understand of God's love, mercy, grace, and power.

The $20 fee will be used to cover all of the supplies needed for the class.

engage, grow, relationships

rose park ladies

The women's ministry is called Rose Park Ladies. Our ladies meet on the first Monday of every month. There is something for everyone in these meetings; cooking shows, guest speakers, craft shows, ministry/mission opportunities, etc. 

need a break?

mom time

We know a Mom's life can be exhausting at times, and they need a chance to spend time with other Mom's to just share their concerns, cares, and crazy stories!  We invite you to come and be a part!